Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dont Say No !!!

DSN - Dont Say no !!

An amazing course i did it recently with Ramprasadji !! 
It was one of my first DSN courses in Art of living .The energy of the group was amazing .
The course was in Manandi Sanskrithi Sadan , Jayanagar 5th block,bangalore.The course was scheduled for 3 and half days.
The three days were one of the most beautiful and memorable days of my life .I  enjoyed each and evrery moment of the course  .
The course helped me to come out of my 'comfort zone' :-) .Before the course i was too lazy to get up in the morning .Then after the course i am lively ,
energetic and i get up early in the morning . And for the record i woke up at 4.15 am every day during the course schedule and i am continuing the same timing's .
I found a new way of living dynamically starting ur day early and having enough time to explore your talents . So changes are necessary in one's life which i neede the most in my professional life . It was just the beginning of my blossoming like a flower with the grace of  guruji.  Then it made me tougher inside as well as from the outside.It made me think out of the box.
The core thing is that we must have a YES mind in our life in any situation .The YES mind is the only possible solution to any problems we face in our life .
YES mind is an open mind otherwise our mind is closed and we think that everyting is over but its not true  .If u ask definately u will be given.
I was able to  identify my barries in my life which made me stop doing things which i loved to do .Now i Do things without any barries, it just happens !!
Jai gurudev :-)

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