Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Navaratri !!

Come celebrate this Navaratri in Ashram (28 Sept – 2 Oct 2011) .

• ‘Nava’ means ‘nine’ and ‘ratri’ is made up of ‘ra’ which also means ‘night’ and ‘tri’ meaning the three aspects of our life – body, mind and soul.

• There are three types of botherations or problems that may affect a person – physical, mental and spiritual. That which gives you relief from all these difficulties is ‘ratri’.

• ‘Ratri’ or night relieves you of misery and brings comfort. The night relaxes everybody; whether happy, unhappy or miserable, everybody goes to sleep.

• The nine-day period of Navratri is marked by a series of Yagna and Homas.

• These Yagnas nullify all the misery, sorrow and pain in the world.

Jai Gurudev