I wanna introduce to you all my dear angels "Bau n Dinesh " !!
Bau n dinesh bhaiya are the angels and souls of my life.They are the Art of living YES!+ teachers
My first art of living course was with Bau n Dinesh bhaiya .I remember the dates also it was November 19th 2008 when the Yes!+ courses were goin on in LAL Bagh garden in Jayanagar 4th block ,Bangalore .It was an amazing experience that too doin your first course with the angels themselves .
Bau is an amazing cook,pianist,creative writer, guitarist and a lovely teacher .Bau is very jolly kind of person and is very humorous .Its assured that u will burst into laughter when he is around you and especially when you are attending his courses .
Bau is a IITian from Mumbai and specialized in Mathematics.
Bau is good in creative writing and i was inspired by the way he writes the articles in his blog .The reason why i am bloggin is coz of him . You will definately fall in love with his blog 'http://bawandinesh.name'....
Dinesh bhaiya is a quiet opposite of Bau .He is very silent and when it comes to physical fitness he is the fittest person you will see .He plays football.He is a guitarist .He teaches YES!+ .And interesting part is Dinesh bhaiya was the student of Bau in the Art of living .He was so impressed by Bau that he became a Teacher .At that time Dinesh bhaiya was the youngest teacher in Art of living .
Dinesh bhaiya is an IITian from mumbai .
The combination of these angels makes them even more cute . It feels like heaven when u see them together . Its like god has sent these two angels on earth to spread the knowledge of humanity ,spirituality and the sense of belongingness . A mission to spread that smile on every individual on this planet .
I love you angels .
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